Change Is Inevitable; It’s How We React That Counts
Rhonda Ridge of Ab Inito’s AdminBase, explains how the right software can help keep installation businesses ahead in a changing marketplace. Our CRM tool could just be the answer.
It was the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus who said: ‘Change is the only constant in life.’ The only thing we know with any certainty in business is that the market we are operating in today won’t be the same in the future. Tastes change, technology changes and the economic and political landscapes shift. All of these factors have an impact on industry and buying behaviours. The key to establishing and maintaining a successful business in this ever-changing landscape is being able to anticipate what changes are coming next and quickly adapt. What has always worked before may no longer work in the new environment. Hence, we need to monitor and review data to ensure we are maximising efficiencies and staying on course. The best way for installation businesses to do this is through the use of an all-encompassing installer management system.
No one has a crystal ball to predict the future accurately, but having a good handle on all data within a business is a great place to start. Being able to see where resources are being used effectively, where the best leads are coming from, and where a good return on investment are all good indicators.
Information is power
AdminBase was created over twenty years ago specifically for installation businesses and home improvement solutions. It streamlines admin processes and provides a better overview of the company. These features make it easier to spot upcoming changes and quicker to implement new ones, as well as to utilise for CRM.
Marketing is an excellent example of this. With a higher volume of sales to go for and with more budget available to spend on marketing, installation businesses might have been consistently advertising in local papers or utilising billboards and posters in the local area. However, when sales decline or are less predictable, these higher spending options may no longer be as successful or viable to maintain. We have seen a lot more of our customers turning to e-mail marketing CRMs for businesses recently because of their fantastic return on investment. Using AdminBase to run these e-mail marketing campaigns in a more targeted way and then monitor their success in detail makes it an even more efficient and cost-effective option.
Installation businesses that use AdminBase already have all of their data in one central system that can be viewed and accessed by all relevant users across the organisation. However, the system goes even further with the option of an add-on feature called AdminBase Campaigns. As with every other aspect of the system, this feature has been designed to make lives easier and improve customer relationships.
E-mail marketing the right way
Once an e-mail marketing campaign has been created, it can be uploaded to AdminBase Campaigns, and a bulk e-mail can be sent to a selected portion of a database. As this data is being drawn from within the system, there is no need to export it to a mailing software like MailChimp and then import it back. It is also easy to segment into more targeted audiences, such as previous customers or new prospects who have enquired about a particular product, increasing the chances of success. An excellent CRM for e-mail marketing should always be in place for businesses.
Despite the fact the UK economy has just been reported to be coming out of the shallow recession it recently slipped into, we are not out of the woods just yet. Home improvement companies need to proceed with caution and continue to keep a close eye on which aspects of the operation are working well, as well as utilise all the tools in their armoury for the best return on investment. The more information that businesses can monitor and use to adapt the business to stay ahead of market changes, the better they will fare now and in the future.
Contact AdminBase Today
If you are interested in improving your customer relationship management, then you have come to the right place. Our CRM system has become known for its quality and efficiency within the home improvement industry. Contact our team today by using our contact form or calling 01283 551005.
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